Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 18: Seeking Good Advice

Week 3, Thursday, January 21

Text: Exodus 18:24
“Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said.”

Thought for the day:
No mere human has ever talked with God the way that Moses did. He spent days on a mountain top speaking with God. He spent so much time in God’s presence that his face would glow. The book of Deuteronomy ends by saying that there has never been a prophet like Moses.

You would think that Moses would have received the answer to every one of his questions directly from God, but that was not always true. In Exodus 18, Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, gives Moses some good advice that helped make Moses job more manageable. God didn’t tell Moses directly about this idea on Mt. Sinai, but used another person to bring this idea.

God regularly speaks to us through other people. Sometimes, he puts people in our lives who give us good advice. At other times, He gives us people who set an excellent example of handling tense moments with grace. As we seek to discern God’s will for our lives, please remember to notice the people He has placed in your path that have helped to guide you.

Review the text that you chose to memorize on Day 15. Can you recite it from memory yet? Have you had any occasion to think about that text as you have gone about your daily activities in the past week?

Write down the names of up to five people who have given you good advice in your life. I encourage you to make an effort in the coming weeks to write each one of them a note and thank them for the wisdom they have shared with you.  If you would like, write a brief sentence in the comments of this blog telling how someone offered you helpful advice.

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