Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Discipline of Journaling

Many Christians have benefited from keeping a journal, or a diary. I have had a few times in my life when journaling has been very beneficial in my walk with God, and I have had other times when I tried desperately to keep a journal, but only found it more burdensome than helpful.

Journaling is accomplished by writing down your thoughts. If you are going to be serious about journaling, it helps to have a nice notebook or even a bound journal (they sell them at bookstores). Keep your journal in a place where you can have access to it during quiet times.

Journaling works best when you find regular times to write. It can be in the mornings or evenings, or even just on the weekends – whatever time regularly works for you.

Ideas for Journaling:

1. Write your prayer
Writing a prayer makes you focus on what you are saying to God. Furthermore, but writing down your prayers, you have a record to look back at and see how God answered them.

2. Write the answers to your prayers
After praying, spend some time writing down how you have seen God respond to your prayers.

3. How I have seen God at work
One journaling method is to write down each day the way that you have seen God’s hand at work in that day. This practice makes you aware that God is actually working, it helps you pay attention for His work, and it can produce contentment as you notice His handiwork

4. A Daily Record
Perhaps the most common type of journaling is merely keeping a record of things that have happened during the day or week, and reflections on those events. This can become a wonderful record if you save your journals. Furthermore, it can cause you to slow down to meditate about what is happening in your life.

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