Friday, February 5, 2010

The Discipline of Study

It is hard to overstate the value of studying for Christians. The desire to know God more fully is the reason the printing press was invented. Schools were first developed to teach children to read so that they could read their Bible.

Studying does not have to be a monotonous exercise. There are many facets of the Christian faith that can be the subject of your study. This can be a discipline that promotes wonderful growth in your understanding of God.

Ideas for Studying:

1. Read a book
There are many good Christian books that are available today. Some of them are deeply theological and theoretical, and some are very practical. I would recommend going to your local Christian bookstore and browsing through the shelves to see what aspect of Christian Life interests you.

2. Read the Bible
Many Christians have read sections of the Bible, but have never read an entire book. I encourage you to take time to read the Bible and study the stories. Keep track of the characters that are mentioned as you read through an entire book. I recommend starting with a book of the Bible that is filled with stories, and then move to other types of Biblical material. If you are going to read large sections of the Bible for the first time, I recommend purchasing a readable translation or paraphrase. I really appreciate Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase called The Message.

3. Join a group study
Bible Study groups are woven into the fabric of Christian history. Churches offer many options for studying the Bible with others. There are para-church groups such as Bible Study Fellowship that offer helpful opportunities. When you study with others, not only do you learn more about God’s word, but you also develop very close friendships with others who will hold you accountable in the way you live for Christ.

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