This year, the prominent issues that are being discussed revolve around the theme of Confessional Identity.
The first issue is the updating of the Form of Subscription. For years, Pastors, Elders, and Deacons have signed the form of subscription when they become officers in the church. The form signifies that they believe the Word of God, and that they believe the teachings of the Bible are accurately taught in the doctrines of some historical statements: Apostle’s Creed, Athanasian Creed, Nicene Creed, Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Canons of Dort (all of these statements can be found in the back of the official songbook of the Christian Reformed Church, the Psalter Hymnal). The new Form of Subscription has been renamed the Covenant for Officebearers, and the intent of the changes is to make the statement clearer and simpler to understand. Some have expressed concern that the updated language may decrease the significance of our commitment to the doctrines of these historic statements.
The second issue is how our denomination receives the Belhar Confession, a statement from South African Churches that came from the culture of Apartheid. The document calls for unity, justice, and reconciliation, and makes a strong statement against racism. The Christian Reformed Church has been asked to adopt this statement as a confession. Although most agree that this document makes a valid statement against racism and Apartheid, there is concern that it should not be adopted as a Confession.
As Synod unfolds, I will post some of my reflections on the deliberation and decisions that are made regarding these two issues.
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