Monday, June 18, 2012

Covenant for Officebearers

In the Christian Reformed Church, whenever church leaders are installed as a pastors, ministry associates, elders, or deacons; they are expected to sign a letter that signifies their agreements with the doctrinal teachings of our church.  Until 2012, this letter was called the “Form of Subscription.”  This year, our denomination adopted a new letter that has been called “Covenant for Officebearers.”

The discussion over this new form started years ago, in order to clarify and update the language of the old Form of Subscription.  In 2011, a new document was presented to Synod for consideration, but Synod asked for some revisions to be made.

The Christian Reformed Church has always asked their church leaders to sign this kind of a statement, in order to make sure that officers in our churches believe the Word of God, and agree with the doctrines that are taught in our Creeds (Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed) and Confessions (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort).  The new Covenant for Officebearers also adds a paragraph that recognizes the Contemporary Testimony, “Our World Belongs to God.” 

Prior to the final revisions to the new Covenant for Officebearers, some were concerned that a new document would allow leaders in our church greater leeway in their differences with the teachings of our church.  However, the final document seems to be well received by those who had these concerns.

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