Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 17: The Art of Meditation

Week 3, Wednesday, January 20

Text: Psalm 77:12
“I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.”

Thought for the day:
To many people living in our world today, meditation seems like such a strange practice. We think of meditation as a mystical practice that causes people to enter a trance-like condition in order to receive supernatural inspiration. It seems so different than anything we do in our normal routines.

However, meditation is not some esoteric practice that is only for the spiritual or philosophical elite. In the Old Testament, the word for ponder means to talk to yourself. When we meditate, we are merely remembering what God has done, and thinking about it (talking to ourselves).

More than likely, you already practice meditation. You may meditate, or talk to yourself, about the meals you will prepare in the coming week, or how you will talk to your family member about a delicate topic. The Bible merely tells us that it is good for us to take time to talk to ourselves about God and His plans.

Spend some time in prayer. As you pray, ask God the following questions:

    “How am I doing in my relationships with family members?”

    “How can I gain greater integrity in my life?”

    “Am I being faithful to you, Lord?”

After each question, spend some time thinking about the answer. Ask God to guide your thoughts. As you do this, you are meditating. You are thinking about God’s will for your life, and how His word affects you actions. Write down any insights you gain regarding your family relationships, personal integrity, or walk with God.

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